It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of September 23rd, 2008By Lydia Solini (
Aries (Mar20-Apr19): Others will test your patience today, as you try to work out details. Discussions may help others make the necessary changes. You should be feeling more energized on Wednesday and Thursday, put your passions into your work; persist even though things are moving slower. Practical concerns are in the spotlight over the next two days. Avoid haste. Opportunities for social connecting abound Sunday through Tuesday. Expect rewards for your efforts now. Taurus (Apr20-May20): Opportunity knocks today so make the most of it. Your talents and creativity are in demand Wednesday and Thursday. Be open to sharing your vision with others. Any area of your life that needs organizing should take center stage over the next two days; this brings great accomplishment. Also, unexpected money may come your way. Sunday through Tuesday offer a great deal of activity, you may find yourself overwhelmed with work; get others to help by delegating the work.
Gemini (May21-Jun20): The emotions of others may be at their peak today; listen. Use your skills to navigate the social circles Wednesday and Thursday; romance is highlighted now. Keep your personal goals in mine. Any unfinished business may need to be dealt with over the next two days. You will find Sunday through Tuesday filled with mental activity and possible changes. Focus on your relationships and get the feedback you need to help you resolve issues; others are there for you.
Cancer (Jun21-Jul21): Today has you focusing on someone special, romantic pursuits are favored. You may feel as though you are experiencing setbacks on Wednesday and Thursday but you are not. Try to avoid becoming pessimistic over situations that don't seem to be changing. See what you can do over the next two days to right the situation. Hard work and effort really do pay off. Sunday through Tuesday are filled with chances to connect with others; take time out to have fun and create balance in your life.
Leo (Jul22-Aug22): Try to connect with friends or family today. Events may seem a bit dramatic on Wednesday and Thursday even for you. Many situations are demanding your time right now. You may need to offer direction to important others. Things will settle down over the next two days. Creative expression is favored. Sunday through Tuesday offer opportunities to network, communicate and create harmony. It is a great time to shoot for the stars; if you need support or encouragement ask for it.
Virgo (Aug23-Sep22): Work should run smoothly today; follow your hunches. Change is in the air Wednesday and Thursday; you have accomplished a great deal so far this year. You can expect great activity over the next two days; as you are still making important decisions regarding work. After all the hard work make it a point to take a break from Sunday to Tuesday; get away or connect with others this will ease some of your stresses.
Libra (Sep23-Oct22): The demands of work continue today; try to get some rest. Wednesday and Thursday offer a chance to catch up with an old friend who has insight into what you should do now. You have a chance to make some changes over the next two days. Focus on practical matters now. Decisions will highlight Sunday through Tuesday; there are job opportunities out there if you want to leave a difficult situation.
Scorpio (Oct23-Nov21): Put your energies into work today and things fall into place. You may feel the need to be in control on Wednesday and Thursday. This can cause more problems. An open dialogue will help all situations. Work speeds up over the next two days offering many opportunities to connect with groups and network. You may need some down time Sunday through Tuesday; to figure some important issues out. An issue with a young person has many layers to it; you need the opinion of others.
Sagittarius (Nov22-Dec21): You may be holding hands and giving advice today; those around are a bit emotional and in need of advice; be there. The desire to escape work and responsibilities on Wednesday and Thursday is great; look at what you can do to make changes now. Maybe you are spreading yourself too thin. Partnerships with others take center stage over the next two days; figure out what you need now to make things work. Sunday through Tuesday give you a chance to reconnect with others.
Capricorn (Dec20-Jan 19): You could receive some much awaited news today. Expect rewards. The finances of partners are highlighted Wednesday and Thursday. You will need to get the details. Opportunities in business and possible financial gain are possible over the next two days. Be sure to let others know what you truly want. Connections with others may be strained Sunday through Tuesday. You may be going in opposite directions within an important partnership try to address your concerns.
Aquarius (Jan20-Feb19): You may need to focus on a family matter today; do your best to listen and advise. Romantic relationships are paramount Wednesday and Thursday it will be an important time to let this important other in on your plans and what you are thinking. Joint finances need to be discussed over the next two days. Don't let practical realities turn you off. Sunday through Tuesday are great days to get out and make many connections that will have a long term effect. Make a plan and work your plan.
Pisces (Feb20-Mar19): Expect today to be a productive work day. Wednesday and Thursday will work best if you use a schedule. You may be having some murky feelings about what to do now. Deep down the stress of the past year may be taking a toll on you; get plenty of rest over the next two days so you can feel clearer about what direction you want to focus on. Put your attention on work matters which can be corrected through networking and making new plans this Sunday through Tuesday.