It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of April 1, 2008By Lydia Solini (
Aries (Mar20-Apr19): Today and tomorrow offers the opportunity to accomplish what needs to be done; expect flashes of insight. Things get murky on Thursday so take your time on an issue. When Friday begins and throughout the weekend Mercury is moving into Aries which will bring a great need for conversation and action as emotions run high. Don't expect to take it easy this weekend! You don't mind the pace. Things slow down on Monday and if you can take some time for yourself!
Taurus (Apr20-May20): Tuesday and Wednesday offers opportunity to change something at work. You will need to exchange ideas with others, participate in the discussion. The mood becomes mellow over the next two days, you need romance and fun. Opportunities are there if you are looking for someone special. As the weekend speeds things up, you will need to take charge of a situation at home. Ask for help even though you prefer to do things your own way! The beginning of the work week is a great time to work behind the scenes and get things done.
Gemini (May21-Jun20): Throughout the next two days you will feel more perceptive about a situation you have been dealing with since the fall of last year. It is a time to negotiate with others. Thursday has you vacillating over what your next step should be. Think outside the box and network over the weekend, with all the contacts that may help you move on. As the work week begins you will need to get grounded and take a new direction, make a plan and work it.
Cancer (Jun21-Jul21): It may me hard to connect with others over the next two days. You definitely need some breathing room but this cycle is filled with demands. It will be hard to keep your thoughts to yourself on Thursday as Mercury squares your Sun. You are being pushed right now on all sides. Choose your battles carefully! Your emotions will run high this weekend which fuels your need to take action. Things will quite down on Monday and Tuesday.
Leo (Jul22-Aug22): Tuesday offers an opportunity, follow your intuition. Think carefully about what you are trying to do. You are in a situation which needs an absolute decision. Wait and plan. Wednesday moves slowly but offers some escape from stress. You are in a harmonious cycle to speak with those you respect on Thursday and as the weekend comes along it is a great time for getting out, expressing yourself and connecting with loved ones. Think about what you really desire now. As the work week begins you will be reminded that you need to make a decision.
Virgo (Aug23-Sep22): Over the next two days you will need to be more outgoing, it is time to exchange ideas, don't hold back. You may find the influence of Neptune and Uranus a bit annoying on Thursday and Friday morning because it can be hard to rouse employees to take action or you can feel that you are getting nowhere fast with work responsibilities. But hang in there you are in a year to define your goals and make some changes, especially at work. You will feel in a competitive mood throughout the weekend, so say what is really on your mind. As you begin the work week you will find things settle down as you are feeling grounded and productive.
Libra (Sep23-Oct22): You will find that Tuesday and Wednesday can be very productive if you don't allow the more radical side of a work situation to get you down. You will feel really motivated this week to get moving. Throughout the next two days nothing moves at the pace you need, so take some time to review things. Be prepared to take some action this weekend as the New Moon enters Aries on Saturday you will feel energized and ready for action. You are longing for some fun and romance think more about making this a reality. Monday and Tuesday are slow and prodding, don't push.
Scorpio (Oct23-Nov21): Your ability to see a situation clearly is affected over the next two days; you may be too close to see what is really needed. As Thursday and Friday roll around you will be feeling more in tune with those around you. You will be moved to take action on Saturday you have been putting something off for too long, do your homework this weekend! You will desire a vacation this month; plan for it as the week begins. This can be a rewarding two days if you use a light touch!
Sagittarius (Nov22-Dec21): Tuesday and Wednesday find you in good spirits, with opportunities to reach out and make new connections. Keep in mind your long range goals and allow your enthusiasm to move you along. You can find yourself butting heads with a situation that seems too slow moving for your taste over the next two days; just hang in there! As the weekend moves along you will feel ready to get things done and have some fun as well. You are in a lazy mood as the week begins, try to get something done.
Capricorn (Dec22-Jan19): The expression no rest for the weary seems to be permanently carved on your desk! You will need to change your strategy over the next two days, since it is not netting the results you were hoping it would. Through Thursday and Friday you will find things a bit more harmonious. Since Mercury is squaring your Sun beginning Thursday you will really need to watch what you say over the next few weeks, when angry tact is not your strong suit. Emotions can run high as things pile up over the weekend, and all you want to do is fly away of a month long vacation! You will find it better to let things go as the work week begins.
Aquarius (Jan20-Feb18): Tuesday and Wednesday offer lots of opportunity to meet people and exchange ideas, you will feel right in your element. As the next two days progress; follow your intuition and go with the flow. You are feeling energized right now to make things happen and there is nothing to restrict you. Take charge over the weekend and you will feel ready for action on Monday and Tuesday, which may be to slow moving for you but; keep in mind that you need to think about the next step is as well as remain in touch with what you really want.
Pisces (Feb19-Mar19): Less stress this week as many planets have moved out of Pisces. Over the next two days keep your sense of humor and expect changes. Thursday and Friday can be a little irritating as you feel pushed to and fro in a situation which feels uncertain and restricting at the same time. Activities run high over the weekend with lots to do, try to get some rest. Put your priorities in order. As the week begins you will feel less unsettled and mellow, try for some alone time.