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Tuesday August 8, 2017 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday August 8, 2017
The Rotary Club Of Middlebury Distributed Over $60,000 In Grants The Rotary Club of Middlebury is pleased to announce the results of 2016/2017 Fundraising and Grant Awards year. The President for the year, Ben Fuller, oversaw a robust and productive fundraising effort that included our popular holiday Flag Project, the Buster Brush Golf Tournament, the Maple Run Breakfast as well as our 9th annual Spring Online Auction. [ more ] The Gifts Of Addison County Field Days By Cookie Steponaitis
For those who have grown up outside Addison County it might appear that there is a great deal of hubbub around a county fair. After all it is animals, rides, music and fun, right? Correct and yet it is so much more. Addison County Field Days is a celebration of a way of life, thinking and work ethic that is passed like a treasured heirloom from generation to generation which is evident in the Paquette family and the number of generations that will be present as Field Days opens its doors for the 2017 season. [ more ] Middlebury Rail Bridge Project Progressing With Main Street Now Open By Mike Cameron
Pictured above John Wallace the proprietor of Autumn Gold on Main Street in Middlebury, gave us a “thumbs up” as he reflects on construction work for the Middlebury Rail Bridge project in town just up the street from his jewelry store. John has good reasons to smile and so do his fellow downtown merchants because Main Street is now open. [ more ]
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