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Tuesday September 1, 2015 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday September 1, 2015
A World War One Soldier’s Legacy Sharing Memories With Donna Foley By Alyse Beauchemin
It is said that our past shapes our future. It is the stories and memories that survive and teach the next generation. For 82 year old Donna Foley, the memories of her late father and World War One (WWI) veteran were delivered on her doorstep two years ago. After the death of her only sibling, Stephen J. Reardon Jr., she found herself in the possession of antique WWI artifacts, letters, certificates and uniforms from the Great War. The artifacts are being donated to the Montana Historical Society in Helena, Montana so others can see the legacy left behind by the former Butte, Montana resident. [ more ] Blending Local Products And Entrepreneurship By Cookie Steponaitis
Levi Baldwin grew up with his hands in the soil and the family garden and learned at a young age seeds go in, roots go down and the rest is both nutritional and special. Levi started his own business stand at the age of ten and now seven years later he has grown literally thousands of pounds of fresh vegetables and acquired an impressive skill set concerning business, income, expenses and what ‘buying local’ means. [ more ] Tigers Overcome Mt. Anthony’s Upset Bid 21-13 By Mike Cameron
The 2015 MUHS Tiger Varsity Football Team continues to be a work in progress. On Friday Night, August 28th, 2015, Middlebury opened defense of its Division 1 VPA State Championship by hosting the Patriots of Mount Anthony Union High who traveled to Doc Collins Memorial Field from Bennington. [ more ]
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