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Tuesday August 4, 2015 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday August 4, 2015
FFA Leaders Attend State President's Conference In Washington D.C. By Cookie Steponaitis
State Presidents and officers of the Future Farmers of America arriving from all over the country spent a week focused not only on the issues facing farmers in America but on formulating solutions and change. Vermont's attendees were FFA State President Shawnna VanderWey and FFA State Secretary Nick Jackson with adviser and Executive Director of Vermont FFA, Suzanne Buck. The week focused on the theme Surge developing leadership within the group emphasizing the power and thoughts of the next generation of farmers and business owners on the issues facing all involved with agriculture. Each state is allowed to send two officers to the conference and the delegation becomes almost five hundred strong by the time they arrive at the National Convention later this fall. [ more ] Vermont Hay Crafted Into Beautiful Art By Alyse Beauchemin
One of the reasons Vermont uniquely stands out from the other states can be found in the absence of billboards cutting across our beautiful agricultural landscape. But since 2011, advertising along the roadside has taken on a revolutionary change. Now, instead of the beauty of the Green Mountain State being only for postcards and photos for tourists, the alluring characteristics of a naturally appealing state are supplemented by artistic creations fashioned out of something with a Vermont brand, our hay. [ more ] Vermont Topped by New Hampshire 27-12 Green Mt. Boys Battle to Final Gun By Mike Cameron
When it was over, everyone in Castelton University's Spartan Stadium knew that they had just witnessed a remarkable high school football all star game. Strong legs ran that weak ones could walk once again. The Granite State was able to notch a W, but even more importantly for Vermont players, coaches, parents, friends and fans; Vermont made New Hampshire earn every single point, with every single yard, on every single play. The game will go far in perpetuating this long-time late summer, twin-state tradition. The children at Shrine Hospitals in Canada and The United States will continue to benefit for the foreseeable future. Both head coaches felt very strongly about this after the game. [ more ]
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