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Tuesday April 21, 2015 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday April 21, 2015
Creative Space Gallery & Sean Dye Studio Moves To New Location & Offers New Programs By Cookie Steponaitis
Founded in 2009 by four individuals with a goal of bringing together, celebrating and promoting the artist of Vermont, Creative Space Gallery recently took on a new location at 214 Main Street in the Little City of Vergennes. Acting not only as a showcase for local artists, it is also a meeting space for community members and artists. Open Wednesday- Saturday from 12:00- 5:00 p.m., the Creative Space Gallery is staffed by dedicated volunteers and offers a wide range of artist’s work. [ more ] Bamboo Mountain Orchid Chrysanthemum And Plum Blossoms The Seasons Of Chinese Art By Cookie Steponaitis
When you enter the home and studio of Middlebury resident and artist Yinglei Zhang you witness a blending of centuries of traditional Chinese Art and the natural beauty of Vermont. Zhang uses both to create her own representation of the natural world and two cultures. Zhang came to America for the first time in 1985 as a foreign student to study and again in 1997 when her family moved to Middlebury. Zhang was born in China, one of three daughters and moved many times with her family while growing up. As a result, Zhang speaks Mandarin Chinese and all the different dialects and travels in her home nation with ease. Zhang grew up and lived in a small city Wuxi near Shanghai, located near Lake Tai and mountains, which resemble the natural landscape of her second home and beloved Champlain Valley. [ more ]
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