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Tuesday March 31, 2015 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday March 31, 2015
Bristol Company Producing Reusable Natural Food Storage By Chris LaFoy
Tucked between the mountains and the New Haven River, the newest home of Bee's Wrap is now in Bristol. This manufacturer of reusable, organic food storage wraps was founded by Sarah Kaeck. [ more ] Meet Poet & Farmer Bernard Jerry By Cookie Steponaitis
Bernie Jerry was born on a crisp morning in 1919 in Roxbury, Vermont, and was seventh in a family of 12 children. With its number of siblings split, “a straight 50/50,” grinned Bernie, it was a pleasure to call Roxbury and his parent’s farm home, with six boys and six girls in the family. [ more ] Restoration Of Horse Drawn Vehicles Meet Charles And Dawn Shepard By Cookie Steponaitis
Horses have been part of the lives of Charlie and Dawn Shepard since early childhood. When the couple began to think about partial retirement eight years ago, Dawn took her love of horses and turned her retirement years into her horse farm years. [ more ]
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