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Monday November 24, 2014 Edition
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Top Stories for Monday November 24, 2014
Kristyn Jerome's Agri-Vision Locally Raised Beef Is A Family Affair By Mike Cameron
Even as a little girl, Kristyn Jerome loved farms, farm animals and farm machinery. We caught up with the twenty year old Leicester resident recently during her morning chores and felt fortunate that we didn't have to follow her through her regular work day. Kristyn raises beef cattle and works on a local dairy farm. Her schedule is difficult, and hard work, but the rewards can be very fulfilling. [ more ] Civil Air Patrol Continues Its Mission By Cookie Steponaitis
The Civil Air Patrol was created just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 and organized with 150,000 volunteers who loved airplanes and had the desire to defend their country. The group served under the Army Air Corps during World War Two and was assigned to patrol home skies and carry out vital missions in the states. [ more ] Thanksgiving Stories Of Joy By Cookie Steponaitis
The youngest members of the assembled generations gathered around the Thanksgiving table often garnish the most attention. Comments like ‘Isn’t that just precious’ or ‘can you believe all he has learned to do since we saw him last,’ are mixed in with praise for the meal, congratulations about jobs, college plans and other family sharing. And for some families, the simple presence of a child at the Thanksgiving table is one of pure joy especially when there once was a shadow over that possibility. [ more ]
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