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Tuesday May 13, 2014 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday May 13, 2014
Be Yourself, Be Honest And Love People Sharing Memories With Shirley McClay By Cookie Steponaitis
When Shirley Searles McClay shares memories of her early life there is a look of steely determination on her face and one that gives the interviewer a glimpse into a part of Vermont life that most of us have no understanding of. “I was born in 1931 in Cabot, Vermont,” explained Shirley. “I was one of the eldest of eighteen children. We lived in the most basic of ways. No running water, no electricity, no bathroom. One huge table in the kitchen with at least three high chairs at any one time. My mother had a baby almost every year. Simply put, it was working from sunup to sundown.” [ more ] Mock Car Crash Brings Home Harsh Realities By Cookie Steponaitis
The tenuousness of life was brought home to the students of VUHS on Friday, May 9th as a mock car crash was staged with alarming reality and intense clarity. “This activity is scarily realistic,” shared senior Emilee Trudo who assisted Driver's Education teacher Sandy Chicoine with planning the event. [ more ]
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