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Tuesday December 5, 2006 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday December 5, 2006
Velco Poles March On Bringing Landowners Problems With Them By Dale Piper The long-standing court battle between Harley Grice of New Haven and VELCO was recently decided in favor of VELCO, allowing the power cooperative virtually unlimited access to the Grice lands at any time for the purpose of installing and maintaining poles for their Reliability Project. Their claim to eminent domain, in securing additional right-of-way property, was upheld as well. Eminent domain has been an issue throughout the project, as the poles carry fiber optic cables in addition to those carrying electricity. Virtually all deeds and agreements pertaining to VELCO's rights-of-way specify the transmission of electricity, including communication via electricity, with no mention of fiber optics. Those lines are strung by VELCO for profit as opposed to electricity for the public good. [ more ] Addison County Home Health and Hospice Hosts Awards Dinner By Deborah Foster
The annual recognition dinner for Addison County Home Health and Hospice was recently held at the Vergennes Opera House. The annual employee recognition dinner is held in November which is National Home Health and Hospice Month. Each year, two special awards are given which honor the late Jane Gardner RN and the late Mary Ellen Burpee, a home health aide with the agency. The dinner also celebrates the achievement and dedication of Addison County's local non profit health care agency employees with five or more years of employment with Home Health. [ more ]
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