Top Stories for Tuesday November 13, 2012
Cole's Flowers Celebrates 75 Years By Mike Cameron
A local fixture in Middlebury now going on 76 years, the name Cole's has become synonymous with flowers and floral design for all occasions. The business began in 1937 under the direction of Clarence G. Cole on North Pleasant Street. eventually they moved to a larger building on South Pleasant Street. It was then taken over by Bernard Cole in 1961. After working in the florist, greenhouse and photography business, Richard Cole, known to most of us as Rick, took over the business in 1986, and now the business is being run by the fourth generation.
[ more ] Middlebury Flag Football 5th and 6th Graders Roll 6-0 Season By
The team is sponsored by Brian's Farm Supply and they had one heck of a season in 2012. The boys have every reason to point out that they are #1. Let's check the roster: Top Row: LtoR Hunter Gale, Tim Goettelmann, Riley Quesnel, Drew Gill and Morgan Galipeau. Now the front row: LtoR Cory Warren, Luke Farrell, Parker Beatty, and Jack Sighn. [ more ] A Changing of the Guard: The Little City Bids Farewell to Dr. Greg Maurer By Cookie Steponaitis
When Greg Maurer first heard of Vergennes, Vermont it was through a “want ad” in a dental journal. A graduate of the University of Buffalo class of 1973, Greg had found his career and passion for helping people using dentistry through a family friend. He was fascinated with his career choice, encouraged by his friend and was ready to begin his professional life. A desire to move to Vermont for the skiing and relaxed life style intersected with the “want ad” and fate brought Greg Maurer to the Little City and into the hearts and lives of three generations. [ more ] The Historic Pulp Mill Bridge Open Again by Mike Cameron
As dignitaries gathered at noon in Middlebury and Weybridge on a crystal clear Friday November 9, 2012, the iconic Pulp Mill Bridge was put back into service with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The bridge has undergone historic renovation and restoration for the past year. Above: LtoR Bill Patenaude Alpine Construction LLC, Jim Ligon Project Supervisor Alpine Construction LLC, Mark D. Sargent Structures Project Manager Vermont Agency of Transportation, Dean George Chairman Middlebury Selectboard, Peter James Chairman Weybridge Selectboard and John Weaver Structural Engineer Vermont Agency of Transportation. [ more ] Obituaries 11-13-12 Virginia Marion Fisher (82); Arlene Eliza Cram (75); Barbara Louise Mulcahy (88); Norma Saracin Page (86); Danny A. (Boone) Peer (59); Lisa Kim Burt (51) [ more ]