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Tuesday November 1, 2011 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday November 1, 2011
St. Peter’s Penny Fair Celebrates Its 50th Year By Cookie Steponaitis
Remember the line from traditional Christmas Carol, “Christmas is coming. The goose is getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man’s hat. If you haven’t got a penny, a hay-penny will do. If you haven’t got a penny then God bless you.” Most Americans can not fathom a time when a penny could wield buying power or even remember when a Penny Loafer was not only fashion, but a way to make sure you never left home without any money. For all those skeptics out there who believe the copper coin is outdated, come to St. Peter’s Penny Fair on November 5, 2011 to witness the 50th year of a tradition merging community, generosity, fun, fundraising and the penny. The doors open for ticket sales at 10AM and continue through the day until the drawing begins at 7PM. [ more ] Fourth Quarter Miscue Gives Tigers a 14-7 Quarter-Finals Win By Marcie Bolton
A fourth quarter botched snap that sailed over the punter’s head into the end zone resulted in a quarter-finals win for the Middlebury Tigers 14-7. Dylan Lanphear, with the help of Jesse Otis and Joey Zeno, pounced on the ball in the end zone. With a minute and twenty seconds on the clock and a field goal that was good, the score proved to be the game winner for the Tigers varsity football team. [ more ] The Congregational Church Of Middlebury 87th Annual Holiday Bazaar The Congregational Church of Middlebury will hold its annual Holiday Bazaar in the Church Fellowship Hall (entrance is on Seymour Street) on Saturday, November 5th, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Put the date on your calendar now. It promises to be better than ever!
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