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Tuesday February 15, 2011 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday February 15, 2011
The Power Of Love Family & Faith: Sharing Memories With Elson & Anna Husk By Cookie Steponaitis
Love is one of the most powerful of human emotions. It has changed lives, shifted history and even changed the direction of the planet. There are temples dedicated to it and libraries full of books on how to attain and keep it. People annually spend billions on products designed to make them more of a complete package and the beliefs centering on love and commitment are embedded in every aspect of our culture and society. Yet, with all the information out there about love, it seems that one set of experts is being forgotten. [ more ] Fashion Corner Enters 26th Year Port Henry Bridal and Formal Wear By Mike Cameron Natalie Clark knew when the Champlain Bridge was closed in October of 2009 that it would ultimately impact her business negatively. Then came word that the bridge would not only be closed permanently, it would be destroyed completely. That happened on December 28th, 2009. Fast forward to February 2011. Natalie and her staff have withstood the test of recessionary times and a new bridge is being built. It should be completed by early October this year.
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