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Tuesday September 22, 2009 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday September 22, 2009
Middlebury Stops Mt. Mansfield at So. Burlington 13-7 By Mike Cameron
Middlebury notched a nice come-back victory over a hard hitting Fair Haven Union High School Team by a score of 14-6 a week ago. Mt. Mansfield came out on the short end of a 98-point shoot-out with North Country. 98 points in a high school football game has to be some kind of a record. It was North Country 54 and Mt. Mansfield 44. The big question seemed to be, did anyone play defense in that one? [ more ] Front Porch Sitting with Martin Casey: Sharing Memories of Addison County By Cookie Steponaitis
While country western star Alan Jackson has never been to Vergennes, Vermont and never had the pleasure of meeting Martin Casey, his lyrics suggest more about the area than he can ever know. In his hit Where I come from, Jackson writes, “Where I come from, a lot of front porch sitting: Where I come from; people trying to make a living; where I come from.” Rooted in those lyrics and in the memories of Vermonter Martin Casey, it is easy to see the intertwining of the visible threads of community, work and faith that are the backbone of the generation calling Addison County their home for more than eighty years. [ more ] Where School Spirit Roams the Halls: Homecoming at VUHS By Cookie Steponaitis
Like a force of nature school spirit had been building all week at VUHS. One day superheroes roamed the halls while another found people adorning costumes of twins. Friday was blue and white day and all the while conversation flowed about bonfires, dances, soccer games and floats. Yet another visible sign of the change in seasons has arrived in the form of homecoming week. [ more ]
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