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Tuesday May 26, 2009 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday May 26, 2009
An Ever Increasing Circle Of Hands: VUHS Celebrates Community By Cookie Steponaitis
Two years ago VUHS decided to establish the days of state and national testing as community service time for the whole school. The students involved in the testing diligently complete their tasks bringing to bear their best performances academically. The other students not testing venture out into the community and give back with projects linking youth, elderly, civic organizations, private business and teens in a partnership that focuses on the interconnectedness of the county and its people. [ more ] A.R.T. Presents a Shakespeare Fete at the Dreamhouse Country Inn On May 29 from 4-6PM Addison Repertory Theater (A.R.T.) will present a Shakespeare Fete, Rouges, Thieves and Lovers, at the Dreamhouse Country Inn on 382 Hewitt Road in Bristol (see dreamhousecountryinn.com). Join us for a festival of Shakespearean Scenes, Song and Original Student Peoetry in a beautifulgarden setting. The show is free, although donations will be gratefully accepted. If it should rain, the performance will take place in the A.R.T. Studio Theater in the Hannaford Career Center in Middlebury at the same time. For more information call Candace at 382-1036. No reservations are necessary. [ more ] Remembering Their Sacrifice By Cookie Steponaitis
Recently VUHS US History students helped American Legion Post # 14 with its annual changing of the flags of over 1100 gravestones in local cemeteries. Cemeteries in Ferrisburgh, North Ferrisburgh, Vergennes, Panton, and Addison were cared for by the students in this special annual project. [ more ]
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