Top Stories for Tuesday January 6, 2009
Lessons In Life Learned On The Farm: Sharing Memories with Catherine Clark By Cookie Steponaitis
Born into life on April 9, 1912, Catherine Briggs Clark has lived in Addison, Ferrisburgh, North Ferrisburgh and Vergennes, raised seven children, and worked in a variety of professions. When she is asked to share her personal favorite memories and lessons learned, most of these come from her years working and experiencing what life had to offer her on a farm. [ more ] Celebrating French Heritage With Conversations about Charles Gravier By Cookie Steponaitis Like many men who lived in the age of revolution, Charles Gravier’s life was one of sharp contrasts: “…tranquility and chaos, respect and humiliation, triumph and failure.” Born in Dijon, France on December 28th 1719, Gravier became a seasoned diplomat and staunch supporter of the American Revolution. His financial support and advocacy for the colonies’ during the Revolutionary War earned him a place in history and established a link to the Champlain Valley. At the bequest of Ethan Allen, the “Little City” bears his name reflecting one of Charles Gravier’s many other titles, the Count de Vergennes. While the Count never set foot in Addison County and nor saw his namesake, the link between the man, the colonial rebellion and this area is a story critical to the American Revolution. Based on the work of historian Orville T. Murphy, retired Bixby Librarian Lois Noonan, and several other Vergennes residents, both cited and anonymous, it is possible to know about the man for which Vergennes was named. [ more ] Forecast for 2009: Zodiac Signs By Lydia Solini ( Aries: ruled by Mars, as the New Year begins Mars is squaring your Sun sign; you will certainly be driven to accomplish your goals and make decisions but it could be an irrating time with lots of interuptions. Major decisions will be made between April 23 and May 31 this year. The next minor cycle of action starts August 26 to October 16. Overall, this year your focus should be on partnerships. If you start a business you should do it with a partner. If you are an employee you should become a team player. Also, allow your creativity to take center stage. If involved in a love relationship you will work on building a better life. If you are looking for love make it a point get out and about because love is in the air! [ more ]