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Tuesday June 24, 2008 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday June 24, 2008
JULY 8, 1777 — The Republic Of Vermont By M. Stuart Parks On July 8, 1777, at the Windsor Tavern in Windsor, Vermont the first Constitution of the “Free and Independent State of Vermont” was adopted. This historic document was a declaration of independence from New Hampshire, New York and Massachusetts, all of whom laid claim to what is now Vermont. It all began in 1609 when Samuel deChamplain came south from Quebec and claimed the lake for the French. He named the mountains “les monts verts” or the Green Mountains. Over the next century and a half settlers came from many places. [ more ]Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center Celebration Of Success The Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center held its Celebration of Success on Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 7:00pm in the Middlebury Union High School Auditorium. Retiring faculty member, Ann LaFiandra, gave the keynote address. Faculty then presented completion certificates to their respective students. There were eighty students completing their programs this year, in thirteen different programs. [ more ] New Store Taking Shape By Mike Cameron
The new Sears Authorized Retail Dealer begins to take shape on Exchange St. in Middlebury on Thursday June 19th 2008. Cooler weather has given construction workers some relief from this summers recent heat wave that saw temperatures over 90º for several days earlier this month. [ more ] This Week In Pictures
Select pictures form this week's edition of The Valley Voice. [ more ]
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