Top Stories for Tuesday June 17, 2008
Middlebury 2008 Graduates
Graduates pose for a picture on Saturday, June 14, 2008 during MUHS graduation ceremonies. [ more ] The Vergennes Community Celebrates the Commencement Activities of the Class of 2008 By Cookie Steponaitis
Sitting the rows of chairs in the VUHS gymnasium on three separate occasions this week, one could not help but be struck by the strong sense of celebration, community and commitment to youth that is present in the Addison Northwest Community. Glancing around the room at the generations of VUHS graduates assembled and seeing the pride in their faces for their children, their school, and their connection to the halls that they once called home is a reaffirmation to what makes VUHS a special community. There is a feeling of commitment that extends far beyond the moment that the diploma is placed in the hands and the tassel changes sides before for the last time, signaling a passing of the baton to the next generation of people who will call Vermont and America their home.
[ more ]Addison County Humane Society - It's More Than A Shelter By Rebecca K. Fay The Addison County Human Society (“ACHS”) was founded in 1975. Since that time, ACHS has been evolving and adding new services to respond to the needs of Addison County. In October of 2007, Jackie Rose, J.D., M.S. became the Executive Director of ACHS. Jackie is excited with her new job and is implementing many new techniques to enhance the services that ACHS offers. Jackie has twenty-five years of experience running a non-profit substance abuse center. Jackie explains, “I've always wanted to [work with animal services].” [ more ]Vermont Rally Was Positive First Step By Mike Cameron The event took place during the weekend of June 6th of this year at the Vermont State Fairgrounds in Rutland and although anticipated participation did not meet projections,, events of this size and scope rarely do initially. It is the future that has Rally organizers and sponsors in an up beat mood as they begin to plan Vermont Rally 2009 for next year. Jay Eugair who manages Central Vermont Motorcycles in Rutland one of the event’s major sponsors, remains optimistic about the event’s future. He was one of the original supporters of the event and feels strongly about its potential impact on the entire region. The Voice also spoke with three of the key personalities who helped plan, organize and coordinate the event. It was the first of its kind ever attempted in the Rutland Region. Organizers knew that they would have a large “nut” to crack and weather would be a huge factor. Key sponsor supporters would be needed. Just the learning curve alone for a first time promotion of this magnitude would be a daunting but do-able project and it was. [ more ]