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Monday May 26, 2008 Edition
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Top Stories for Monday May 26, 2008
Bill Edson Named New MVAA Supervisor
Bill Edson has joined the Middlebury Volunteer Ambulance Association as the organization's new Supervisor of Operations. Mr. Edson will be responsible for the day to day management of personnel, technical and physical resources, facilities and equipment, and other duties associated with maintaining a professional community based pre-hospital care organization. [ more ] Safe Kids By Chuck Welch
It was pretty exciting that we were able to receive a grant from Safe Kids Vermont and Kohl's Department Store. We were given monies to purchase 500 bike helmets for Safe Kids Addison County, a new non-profit volunteer organization. Our mission at Addison County Safe Kids is to prevent accidental childhood injury in Addison County and to stimulate changes in attitudes and behaviors. [ more ] Bohjalian’s Latest Book Is Out By Dale Piper
Local author Chris Bohjalian has done it again! His latest novel, Skeletons at the Feast, hit the stores on May 6 and is more than well worth the read. A major detour from the Bohjalian novels that we are most familiar with, this one is not set in Vermont, or even New England for that matter. The story takes place in the fragmented and fluid Germany/Poland/Prussia region toward the end of World War II. [ more ] Welcome Back! By Mike Cameron
Vermont's premiere hunting, fishing and shooting sports specialty store is back in business after suffering a devastating fire over a year ago. Many area sportsmen and women and their families have missed Field Sports because they had become a fixture in the area for decades.Key in the re-opening of the store is the very fact that it has been able to re-open during an economic down-turn nationally. [ more ]
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